Monday, December 13, 2010

Affordable Family Vacation Ideas: Low-Cost Vacations That Are Fun For All

These days, finding affordable family vacation ideas can be challenging. Two questions must be answered when making these difficult decisions. First, you have to know that you will be able to pay for the trip. Second, you have to make sure that you choose a vacation location that the whole family will enjoy. Here are some travel tips on making your vacation perfect.

Choosing a Location

When choosing a location, you must decide, as previously stated, a place to go that your family will enjoy. An easy choice would be resorts or theme parks that have multiple activities going on at all times. The problem is that these places can be very costly. In addition to paying for the right to participate in their activities, you have to pay for hotels, food, beverages, transportation, and travel games (to keep the kids occupied).

The best tips I can offer in this category are that you choose a location that is both close to you and you can find a place to stay for free (such as a friend or relative's home). Doing so will make transportation and accommodations relatively inexpensive. Additionally, make sure you can find activities that everyone can enjoy in the place you visit, as not everyone enjoys shopping or fishing.

Timing is Everything

When choosing a time to travel, my suggestion is to avoid holidays. Most people choose to travel during a holiday season (especially Thanksgiving and Christmas), making traveling more expensive due to traffic. Additionally, if your vacations take place during the spring or fall, gas will be cheaper as you won't have to run the AC or the heater. Finally, it would be a good idea to do most of your driving during a weekend, as interstates are usually cluttered on the weekdays.

Affordable Family Vacation Ideas

My greatest suggestion for an inexpensive vacation is to go somewhere with plenty of outdoor activities. If you can find an area with a forest and a lake, that would be excellent, as it would offer hiking, swimming, fishing, and camping, usually for free or for a low-cost. Additionally, these locales are very peaceful and relaxing, as it will remove you from the hustle and bustle of city life.

For those who are not too fond of the great outdoors, I suggest visiting a big city where you have relatives or friends living. By staying with them, you'll eliminate many of your unnecessary costs, and big cities offer major amounts of activities, such as seeing professional sports, shopping, factory tours, parks, and many others.

No matter where you go, remember the key to a successful vacation is ensuring that everyone has a good time. Vacations are meant to be the fond memories that people hold onto, as they break up the monotony of everyday life. Just make sure you don't get in over your head and end up remembering the vacation for the debt it caused rather than the experience you had.

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